Michael's Zombies Wiki

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Michael's Zombies Wiki
Update Version Date Highlights
Michael's Tropical Resort Patch II V1.8.2 N/A
  • Michael's Tropical Resort returned (with no The Games badges)
  • Fixed a bug with the donation leaderboard
  • Fixed more bugs with the interaction system
  • Can revive more than one player at a time
Michael's Tropical Resort Patch I V1.8.1 August 13th, 2024
  • Removed Michael's Tropical Resort
  • Fixes to the new interaction system
  • Fixed models of guns not loading correctly
  • Fixed reviving players not working correctly
  • Players seat returned in the main menu
  • Added a donation board
  • Fixed Trench Gun rapid reload/fire
  • Fixed Model 680 rapid reload/fire
Michael's Tropical Resort Release V1.8.0 August 1st,


  • Take a vacation to Michael's Tropical Resort!
  • The new map is a go-at-your-own-pace mission hunt, where you must embark to complete various quests around the resort for badges!
  • Water gun variants of MZ guns are exclusive to the map
  • A new weapon! 30-30 Justice lever action rifle!
  • 5 new unique melee weapons (tennis rackets and a baseball bat)
  • 2 new minigames; baseball and skeet shooting!
  • 8 new badges have been added for Roblox's "The Games" event
  • 2 new unique MZ badges have been added
  • Minor various gun framework bugfixes
  • Rehauled interaction system framework
  • Improved bullet detection
  • A new Pirate Boss Battle
Joe's Gungame Patch 2 V1.7.1 January 21st,


  • fixed second life not working on initial player spawn
  • fixed the zombies one shotting players
  • nerfed the zombie max speed (9-11 walkspeed to 8-9)
  • slowed down zombie spawn times (0.2 to 0.5 seconds)
  • nerfed zombie health (200 to 100 hp)
  • landmine walking and player reviving badges not working
Joe's Gungame V1.7.0 January 21st,


  • Joe's Gun Game released!
  • The new map is a new game mode where players must kill enemies to reach the last weapon!
  • The FamasF1, M14, M16, Super Shorty, RPK are new weapons added to the game mode!
  • New game mode has several small easter eggs, including a music one!
  • 4 new badges the player can earn by playing Joe's Gun Game
  • Bug fixed issue where perk bottles would stick to player's hands
Michael Barrel: Patch 2 V1.6.2 August 2nd,


New console commands, quality of life updates, and many bug fixes
Michael Barrel: Patch 1 V1.6.1 July 31st, 2023 Large bug fix for Mobile and Console players after major features broke with the Michael Barrel release.
Michael Barrel Update v1.6.0 July 27, 2023 - New zombie sounds

- New map: Michael Barrel

- Various new weapons and weapon reworks

Laser Update II v1.5.3 July 6, 2023 - Added 5 new laser colors: White, Purple to Teal, Purple to Pink, Orange to Red and Rainbow (Legendary)

- New MZ intro screen (Skippable)

- New chat UI

- Mobile Private Server command supports (typing /admin in chat)

Laser Update I v1.5.2 June 28, 2023 Added 6 alternative laser colors

-pink, blue, teal, orange, yellow, and purple

UI Update v1.5.1 April 23, 2023 - Overhauled premium shop design.

- New UGC page in the premium shop for Michael's Zombies accessories. - Buying UGC items in game gives players 1,000 bonus coins.

- A new popup that tells you how many coins are needed when trying to purchase an attachment you cannot afford.

- Bug fix for coin tiers occasionally not loading in the shop.

- Bug fix for coin tier purchases rarely not being awarded immediately to players.

Attachment Update I v(5) January 13, 2023 -Fixed issue where you could "link" a teleporter on The Giant multiple times and earn EXP and Coins infinitely after the link time has expired.
v(4) January 11, 2023 -Fixed an issue where data should save instantly once you buy a coin pack with Robux.

-Private servers nerfed from earning EXP and Coins.

-Changed the 3rd person knifing animation to make it much harder to knife glitch through walls.

v(3) January 10, 2023 -Fixed a gun bug on which attaching grips to the PTRS and upgrading it would break the gun.
v(2) January 9, 2023 -Fixed a small bug where sometimes weapon wouldn't show up.

-Wall weapons in The Undead Nocturn are made to get triggered easier. -Improved bullet detection.

v(1) January 8, 2023 -Fixed a bug where you don't get points on zombie kills.
v1.5.0 January 8, 2023 -Added Joey's Solutions & Shop.

-Added 2 currencies Coins, Emeralds.

-Added XP system.

-Added 13 attachments (11 Common and 2 Uncommon).

-Playing in servers will get you EXP. EXP is earned through kills, opening doors, completing objectives, reviving teammates, and having the team survive to the next wave).

-Added a button to return back to lobby by opening MZ's Settings.

-Various miscellaneous bug fixes.

-Brought back the snowmen.

Hallows Eve Update v1.4.1 October 30, 2022 -Fixed an issue where pots and other shootables did not trigger when shot.

-Few minor issues with perk machine VFX and Barriers now fixed.

-Fixed a game breaking bug where geting downed where if you had Jugg, went downed, then got revived, you would have half your normal HP and basically get 1 hit by any Zombie.

v1.4.0 October 29, 2022 -New map 'Hallows Eve' (unplayable without Private Servers)

-Added some new options to the settings menu for controls.

-Players can now toggle their toggle sprint

-Added classic guns and a buyable ending for Hallows Eve

The Undead Nocturn Update v1.0a July 13, 2022 -Small change which should help improve the zombie A.I Path Finding issues, especially on The Giant
v1.3.1 July 8, 2022 -Fixed bug on The Undead Nocturn, where soulbox range was shorter in some areas than expected

-2 Panzer Michael will only spawn now if there are 3 or more players in the game after the initial Panzer spawn (Previously it was 2 players)

v1.3.1 June 28, 2022 -Fixed admin commands for Private server owners

-Added chat tags for those who buy the supporter gamepasses

v.1.3.0 June 26, 2022 -Added a map, The Undead Nocturn

-Implemented the new Menu System into the game -Private servers can now select maps -Added Console Command for Private server owners (~)

-Added PTRS-41 and M2 Flamethrower

-Added a new badge

-Added Panzer Michael as a mini boss

-Added Stamin Up perk

-New menu servers should now filter out more full servers

-Fixed a minor bug with Mobile users not being able to double interact with the Mystery Box

Update 7 : Mass update ?? May 28, 2022 -Patched the bug where the weapon would not pop out of the box after the box moves

-Made adjustments to Zombie AI Pathing

-Fixed interaction bug where player would still be able to pick up a weapon from the box while repairing a window or another interaction.

-Fixed bug where players would get spawned into the map before they clicked Play Now

-Added ability to sprint, throw grenades, and knife if the user has no gun weapons

-Improved Hellhound AI Path Finding and errors

-For Mobile, fixed interaction issues with the box (user should no longer need to re-approach it to pick up weapons)

-Fixed issues with Box and Pack-A-Punch machine breaking on The Giant

-Fixed quirk where user would sometimes enter ADS when purchasing weapons or interacting with specific things

-Brought back Friend-Bombs into the game along with memory leak fixes of them

-Midnight Giant badge should now be earned once hitting Round 15 (must be in the game since Round 1)

-Fixed issue where knifing and going down at the same time break the player's gun system

Update 6 : Bug Fixes ?? April 19, 2022 -Fixed major memory leak with Friend bombs. Servers shouldn't slow down quite as much now and should help with overall game performance

-Added custom Michael 115 mix music to Der Riese's game over screen

-The badge "Midnight Giant" will now be award when hitting round 15 without power being on; you no longer need to hit the switch

-Fixed bug where players would teleport into the electric teleport VFX room when spawning into a new match without leaving the main menu

-Fixed bug where guns would sometimes ADS when purchasing the box, wall weapon, or pack-a-punch

-Fixed bug where Mobile controls would not load when spawning into the game while typing on the emoji keyboard in the chat

-Fixed bug where box would sometimes randomly break, especially in slower servers

-Buffed the B93R Raffica to deal more damage all around

-Patched the out of bounds collisions hole on Lighthouse

-Fixed issue where gun system sometimes breaks when going down right when spawning

Update 5 ?? March 20, 2022 -Mobile shoot and aim buttons now work

-Badge now only awards on game win

-Settings menu now doesn't open when chatting

-Other small various bug fixes

Update 4 : Fixes January 27, 2022 -Fixed Panzer not doing KB to zombies

-Adjusted zombie bleed out times for longer and higher rounds

-Changed Easter Egg song to instrumental due to inappropriate language

-Adjusted some map invisible barriers

-Zombie spawn delays adjusted per round; zombies should overall spawn faster and hoard faster, making high rounds more intense

Update 3 : Optimization ?? January 25, 2022 -Changed game lighting from Future to ShadowMap. Should fix major lag issues.

-Optimized lighting on Der Riese.

-Added a new box weapon: The Panzerschreck, the rocket launcher!

-Fixed bullet hit detection; shots should whiff much less frequent now, especially for laggier players.

-Gave base MP40, Thompson, FG42, BAR, and STG-44 more reserve ammo (1 extra clip)

-Gave PAP'd MP40, Thompson, FG42, BAR, and STG-44 more reserve ammo (1-2 clips)

-Increased PAP'd M4A4 and AK47 magazine size and reserve ammo

-Updated LSAT sight with tiny dot

-Updated sounds for MP40, AK47, and MG42 to be more "punchy"

-Patched double Juggernog game pass bug

-Added more invisible map barriers on top of high map areas

-Attempted to reduce the flinging of hellhounds

-Attempted to fix the hellhound spawn and nuke interaction bug

-The box beam should now appear for those on lower graphics

-Adjusted zombie nodes to address specific areas (ex: hiding behind box on catwalk)

-Lowered FG42's fire rate, given punchier sound. -Bowie Knife purchase sound (schlling).

Update 2 : Bug Fix & Balance ?? January 10, 2022 -Fixed zombies getting stuck in grenade room at teleporter B

-Changed gun sounds on Thompson, M1911, M1A1 Carbine

-Changed sightline on MP40 slightly -Reworked gun system camera shake; it should be way less intense now

-Michael voice line volume increased and re-recorded

-PAP Guns now have purple bullet hit markers and tracers

-Friend Bombs should now load instantly on usage

-Buffed Gamepass: -Rounds 10+ you get free SMG -Rounds 15+ you get free Juggernog

-Raygun AoE increased and Raygun AoE damage falloff decreased -New UI popup when a teammate is downed

-New UI popup when max ammo is collected

-Mule Kick perk jingle should now play

-Dog spawn in FX should always play if within a certain radius of a dog spawn

-Additional downed clipping issues patched

-Kar98k should now appear in the box -Blue window from PAP room should now always appear down

-Perk machines should no longer glow orange

-Players can no longer block other's players interactions

-Hid the humanoid root part of lobby zombie

-PAP Trench gun can no longer reload to 17 bullets (will cap at 16 now)

-Zombies should no longer get stuck in spawn room right window area

-UI Prompt should update when switching weapons at PAP Machine

-Can no longer get a negative balance from the PAP machine

-Added arrows above every player in game, regardless of distance

Update 1 ?? January 1, 2022 -Extended vertical map collisions everywhere

-Increased Wunderwaffe chain radius (Normal 8 -> 12, PAP 10 -> 14)

-Nerfed Stallion Salvo Self Damage (55 -> 32 max damage)

-Nerfed Bowie Knife Animation Speed (1.25 -> 1.2) -Nerfed Bowie Knife Damage (1300 -> 1200)

-Nerfed Bowie Knife Knockback (30 studs/second -> 26 studs/second), length (0.2 s -> 0.18 s)

-Attempted to make standing on zombie heads harder

-Fixed bug with teleporters not working on new match

-Fixed bug where two mystery boxes would exist on new match

-Lowered all sprinting camera sway by 25% (A setting to change sway intensity will come soon!)

-Slightly increased walk speed of all LMGs, particularly lowered their camera angle sway as well.

-Fixed leaderboard issues not loading every player (hopefully).
