haha jk jk. Im just wondering, what’s your mobile setup? I had some difficulty playing before customisation update on mobile. I have one for my Ipad, but not on my phone so it’s a bit irritating.
anyway this is my setup on my Ipad.
@Smelly82 personally i would get ppsh over browning. although i dont deny the higher dmg than ppsh and having lower recoil in general, i prefer the smg shaped lmg for these obvious reasons:
with ppsh being a smg, its faster in general than a heavy ass lmg loaded with .50 cal
ppsh has no reason to have 71 rounds (115 PaP'ed) per mag, but ppsh has it anyway
HOLY SHIT, ppsh has the highest rpm in the game (1330 rpm) even without the trigger attachment (1250 rpm)
@Sogga Glopnar im also positive about this collab. But there one big red line: their mods have a somewhat a big ego.
Example here: https://michaels-zombies.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000052465
dont forget that this game is basically a free cod zombies. It probably exists cuz of the majority of the games system is inspired by bo3 zombies. hence the mule kick at der riese (mule kick didnt existed when cod zombies came out)
as someone who never moderated, i couldn't understand well about the 3 different moderator role for this wiki. i need some explanation
like from what i figured out, content mod is has do to smth with the info at the forum pages of the said thing.
@Sogga Glopnar am i what?
Motherfucker not again... this is the 5TH UPDATE
this is just the note that between level 100-111 its Micheal I-X
dmg wise it should be shotties since the majority of the group outperforms the raygun (expect the good ol' sawed off, but shit is good for farming points on one window. there maybe saiga but the dps is clearly shows to gap).
if there was an option for Kaboom C9000, Mr Wick, both variants of the Magnum and PTRS-41 and 98k Beheaded. i would choose that one. These guns just shred if u pop the zombies head off constantly. i also should mention that PTRS (by only the Trench shottie) and Magnum gets out dmg'd by every shottie headshot expection of sawed off . but it is still a solid gun for a side arm on high rounds with fast movement and high dmg. (not to mention that kar98k gets outperformed by magnum later rounds unpap'd)
thats cool but what's your secondary weapon?
i would personally go for KABOOM C9000. it's mr Wick of the Lighthouse map in a nutshell.
Motherfu- it happened again… *sighs* here’s the continuation…
Micheal I-V
even a better one:
being able to customize the buttons in lobby
continuation for my previous comment since i cant f**king edit it anymore
Omnipotent I-V
there are more. here's the ones that i remember:
Supreme I-V
Nightmare I-V
God-Slayer I-V
Omnipresent I-V
please note that these ranks placement may be wrong cuz I fucking speedran through levels between 80-90.
note: i will update the ranks when i enter a new rank so regularly check this comment
you cant get Deadshot at Undead Nocturn. you can ONLY GET Stamin-Up from Panzer Michael if you already have every pre existing perks on the map.
People usually get them from the MZ discord server or MZ testing place (currently online) by playing the new map.
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@Thatcheeser there are multiple. There is chopper escape ending, Snowfella bossfight to unlock PaP (not counting Jerome since he spawns regularly) and blizzard nade build-able if they count,
this comment was same as the previous one. i edited this comment for your information.
use stubby and kobra on ppsh, mg42 since both kick back hard asf even while crouching. use angled, suppresor and kobra if you wanna turn ur pump shooties into snipers, otherwise stubby and kobra does the trick. DO NOT BUY M68 CC0. it has more downsides than benefits. these are the essential tips for attachments. Feel free to combine different attachments (plz dont do m68 angled grip combo on god). buy every jtek you see. it doesn't have a negative impact. Buy it for every gun expect M2 Flamethrower. Suppressed guns deals -5 damage for better recoil control as a trade off.
desirable asf with ppsh ang mg42
haha jk jk. Im just wondering, what’s your mobile setup? I had some difficulty playing before customisation update on mobile. I have one for my Ipad, but not on my phone so it’s a bit irritating.
anyway this is my setup on my Ipad.
Maybe cuz of my mobile setup aint on the testing place, but zombies spawn rate is waaay to fast.
Also there should be mobile setup modifier in-lobby, because doing it in-game is frustrating and hard.