Is it true that 60% of ray gun users are braindead and that we need to risk our lives to save them because of their obnoxious overconfidence?
F to the pros that have stinky noob teammates with ray gun on Undead Nocturn
Is it true that 60% of ray gun users are braindead and that we need to risk our lives to save them because of their obnoxious overconfidence?
F to the pros that have stinky noob teammates with ray gun on Undead Nocturn
Reviving them is a waste ngl
Damn, I actually risk my life saving those type of players. I die too sometimes.
I tell them too shoot at the ground when reviving them but they never do
They probably think that shooting the raygun when they are downed deducts the raygun ammo that they would have when they are revived (they don't in-game and if you go down you are given 2 free mags of whatever guns can be put into the downed player's slot which is all weapons in the Side Arms category and the Raygun)
To be honest, most time when I collapsed, the run is entirely over even with a full server (of noobs)
I hate those people tbh, I used to waste my time saving them when I first started playing until I realised it's better to let them die. Nocturn can be a real pain when you encounter people like them, also the ones who lead the zombies away from the soul box.
I encounter them, those noobs who just really don't know anything while still acting like they know better than a pro, when their level is just 2 and they don't even know how to melee, having to play nocturn with 5 of them, one of them got a raygun, i have already told him not to shot the statue but he still shots, 5 waves later panzer come, the noobs still think that he's nothing and charge into him with an MP40, result for that action is obvious
I actually use lmg and ak as my dmg setup ak for normal speed and dmg and lmgs to make a few bullet holes for the robots
U get legit 1 raygun in the mystery box when its round 10 in undead nocturn
What do you think?